Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reasons for writing to your love

Let me state for the record that I am a true believer in romance.  Romance is not the same as being in love, but it is the road that paves the way for love. Be creative in your romantic planning. There are so many other things that can be done besides dining, dancing, and going to the movies. Any shared experience can all lead to romance but some of the greatest ones will only cost you your time and effort.

Since I am a female, you get the woman’s point of view on this first.  It seems that some men think they have to spend a fortune on romancing a woman and that is nice, but what most women want is to see are romantic gestures that show that the guy is learning to understand her. 

Most people want to be respected for who they are and what they believe in. To come to respect those qualities in another person you have to get to know them and understand what motivates them to want to even be in a relationship.  Companionship, both physical and mental are the most common ground humans have for being around other people.  In general, the human race wants to be around people that make them happy.  Finding that happiness can be very elusive for some, downright impossible for others.  The real key to finding that deep in the bone, truly happy feeling is to make other people feel happy to be around you.  That means looking up and around you and thinking about something that might make them happy. 

Not all of us find happiness in the same things, so first you have to decide what makes you happy, then find someone who finds joy, passion, and happiness in the same things.  That can take years of soul searching and experience and some people never even realize that is one of the chief things that we are driven to seek out.  Who doesn’t want to find things that make them happy?  First know what you want out of life, what makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and make you smile. 

Do not expect someone else to supply happiness to you.  You have to find it for yourself before you will ever be able to seek out people to have a normal, healthy relationship with.  We all find happiness in different things; for some it is an enjoyment of doing things, others find it in simply daily living.  Not everyone in the world finds something to be passionate about, but seeking out that passion is what life is all about.  You need to try new things, meet new people, experience all life has to offer to find passion.  Move out of your comfort zone.

Some lucky people are born knowing what makes them happy and find passion early on in life.  Others can spend a lifetime sitting on the sidelines never even aware that they haven’t left the starting line.  There are people who are too afraid to take all that life offers and never step outside the comfortable box they have placed themselves in.  Get out of your box!  Never mix up being comfortable with being happy; they are worlds apart.  If you have accepted that your lot in life is just being comfortable you will be like a person who is at a feast, but is starving to death.  You have to step out of your comfort zone and take chances if you are really going to savor life and find someone to enjoy going down the same road you are.  Don’t ever just settle on what you have if it isn’t making you happy.  It can be a real struggle to keep on looking and many give up the fight before they even throw a punch.  No one ever said living was going to be easy, but it can be worth every bit of effort you put into it to find that golden life we all want of being able to smile, laugh, and love.

There is a line from a song that has always struck me as a very poignant comment on what people want from a relationship.  “If you don’t know me by know, you will never, never know me.” People want to share their lives with others, their likes, dislikes, funny past moments, and future dreams.  We want someone who is a good listener and remembers how we take our coffee and what a childhood pet meant to them. 

In getting to know anyone well you must take in all the trivial remarks, stories, family history, and remember the information, joke about it, cry about it, but most of all, care what it all means to the person you are trying to have a relationship with.  It does not mean that someone is asking you to solve past or present problems or be critical about the information; it just needs to be shared.  Like birds building a nest, each bit of new information about someone important to you adds another layer and dimension to the foundation of the relationship.  There will be material added that is old, new, and shared and it is generally layered in just that manner.  First comes the sharing of each others past lives, then the more current matters and cares are added in.  Finally, there will be the soft downy place of shared experiences that will be what you both see and feel at the same time.  To get to that final wonderful, cozy, warm, and fuzzy place in a relationship you must first have something to build on.

Relationships happen so much faster now than they have in the past; people are in a hurry to get to the soft, loving place that the foundation is not always laid very sturdy, if at all.  It is hard to rush a relationship if it is really going to stand up to the heavy winds that can so easily tear a nest apart. Time and effort on both people’s parts are needed to cement a life time of love. There must be a real and honest commitment to take the time to find out everything you can about someone special to you.  If you try and rush past this step you will be missing out on some of the genuine glue that binds people together. 

None of the information you gather as you get to know someone should ever be used as fodder for fueling future fights.  It is hard to open up to someone else and share past histories, mistakes, and experiences.  You have to trust that the information you exchange is done so in a trusting and honorable manner.  If you can’t trust someone completely and learn how to earn someone’s trust you stand a very poor chance of ever being able to truly, deeply love someone.

There are so many life altering experiences a person can have that will effect how they are able to learn to love, trust, and truly find happiness in being around another person.  Scars of past relationships will find a way of damaging the future relationships unless they are appropriately dealt with.  Learning how to trust someone if they have ever been burned in a relationship can become impossible for some people to move past.  They become frozen in a vicious circle of being unable to look forward, forever looking back and questioning what might have, or could have, or should have happened. 

We all need to learn from our past mistakes and move on, avoiding the same pitfalls in the future.  If you can’t learn from your past how are you to avoid falling into the same holes? Like the driver that goes down the same road everyday, avoiding the potholes he knows are there, you need to remember where the potholes are in your life and avoid them the next time. How many times does it take until you remember to avoid those holes, steer around them, or just go down a different road?  Some people are faster learners than others and some people never seem to remember, or care, that those holes are even there; they just drive faster, trying to fly past them.  Those holes can swallow up entire lives.

The women I know want someone they can carry on a conversation with.  They want the gentleman to show in small ways that he loves and appreciates all the woman has done for him.  People seem to get caught up in buying expensive toys and big ticket items for their magnificent romantic gestures. When it comes to buying gifts what most woman want are little things they have been looking for a long time; a matching scarf, a kitchen utensil, some silly toy, or a book.   Women want to feel like they are worthy of a man’s time and effort to get to really know them.

I received a beautiful necklace when the gentleman I was dating took a sword he had just won and traded it for the necklace I had casually mentioned as being pretty.  Another gentleman wooed me with music, learning my favorite songs and playing them for me over and over. My favorite though has to be the gentleman I told I loved surprises.  His thoughtful gestures were well thought out and planned, and they never failed to make my heart beat faster.  He drove me long distances, out of state, to take me to places that have been divinely made to be some of the most romantic places on the earth.  Poetry and simple love letters can certainly charm a lady.  True letters of love share your life with another and are lasting reminders of where you began to love someone.  They cost so little and mean so very much.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Researching love

To really write love letters you need to have read some really great love letters.  So, consider this sort of a homework assignment.  This is a list of books and authors I highly recommend.  I have always found great inspiration by going back and rereading them over the years.

"Time Enough For Love" by Robert Heinlein (I don't agree with everything in this book, but he does have some real gems in it that are facts of life and loving.) There are other great Heinlein books too that deal with the subject of love nicely.

"How Do I Love Thee" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (You can find the poem here
All the books by Leo Buscaglia - you can find an index of his best quotes at,_Leo

Watch the movie "Cyrano de Bergerac."  It is a 1950 black & white move based on the 1897 French Alexandrine verse/drama Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand It uses poet Brian Hooker's 1923 English blank verse as the basis for its screenplay. The actual verse is interesting too, but can be difficult to read.

After you have watched that movie, watch "Roxanne" starring Steve Martin as a modern day Cyrano.

Another great movie to inspire you for writing love letters is "The Lake House" starring Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock

Those are just the ones to start with.  Looking online for love poetry will bring you some great and inspiring quotes and ideas as well, but to truly express your love in a letter, you should write from your heart, not what someone else has already written. Which is not to say don't ever use other quotes or words, they can be a place to start your love letter.  Just don't make the entire letter one big quote from someone else. 

Songs are another great source of ideas and inspiration for writing your love letters.  They can also be a way to start a love letter.  Tell the person you love what that song means to you and how you relate to it, how it makes you think of them, what stirs your heart when you hear it.  I am not even going to begin a list of great love songs just yet, there are so many!

Here is my love quote of the day:

The signs of Love
 Should be as clear
  As when you look
   Into a mirror.
And, as an image,
     Come to you
      Because you're
       Merely being you.

Have you been inspired by a piece of literature, a poem, a song?  Let me know which ones move you!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What Love is and is not

I wish I could take credit for this bit of wisdom, because it really is some of the best advice I have ever seen about love.  It came along to me from a friend of a friend.  Take it to heart.
Signs Of True And Fake Love
  1. True Love is always open and honest, even when upset, fake love plays games, hides their feelings and tries to manipulate the emotions of others to gain the upper hand.
  2. True Love is self-sacrificing, fake love only wants what it wants
  3. True Love gives from the heart, fake love gives because it wants something in return
  4. True Love forgives, fake love seeks vengeance
  5. True Love appreciates you for who you are, fake love tries to change you into their perfect ideal
  6. True Love is romantic intimacy and love making, fake love is just sex
  7. True Love tries to resolve conflict, fake love tries to prove it is right
  8. True Love lets go of hurts, fake love harbors resentment
  9. True Love gives you the freedom, fake love is controlling
  10. True Love listens, fake love only talks
Characteristics of Healthy Relationships
by Jef Gazley, M.S. LMFT, DCC
1. Each person allows for the individuality of each partner within the relationship.
2. Experiencing both oneness with and separateness from their partner. Other relationships are seen as no threat.
3. Bringing out the best qualities in their partner.
4. Each partner has the ability to accept endings, if necessary.
5. Experiencing openness to change and exploration both in the individual and in the relationship.
6. Inviting growth in their partner.
7. Experiencing true intimacy in the relationship physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
8. Feeling the freedom to ask honestly for what they want.
9. Being able to experience giving and receiving in the same manner.
10. Not attempting to control or change the other person.
11. Encouraging self-sufficiency of others. Adults don't need each other in a dependent fashion. They simply want to be with each other.
12. Accepting limitations of self and partner.
13. Not attempting to seek unconditional love in relationships. This type of love is really parental love. Parents accept any behavior from a child and will still love and accept them. Adults demand to be treated with dignity in order to stay in a relationship.
14. Able to accept commitment.
15. Each person having a high self-esteem.
16. Trusting the memory of the beloved, enjoying solitude.
17. Expressing feelings spontaneously.
18. Welcoming closeness, risking vulnerability.
19. Able to care with detachment. They don't feel responsible for each other.
20. Affirming equality and personal power of self and their partner.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Matchmaker Profile Help

I have helped many of my single friends fill out the profiles for any of the many matchmaking websites.  First impressions really do make or break whether someone wants to get to know you further.  If there are spelling and grammar errors, that can reflect poorly on the person that is looking for their soulmate.  I want to help you present yourself in the best possible light, so that your true personality shows, and help make you stand out from the rest of the crowd.  I really do believe there is someone for everyone.  Finding them is really hard for most people. 

I think a lot of people that use the matchmaker services have unrealistic hopes and desires, but that the majority of them are really just searching to find someone to go through life with.  There are key phrases that can attract the kind of person you are looking for and things that can eliminate the people you want to stay away from.  It is all in the wording of a profile and how it is presented.  Telling the truth is paramount though; life is much easier when you don't have to keep a mask in place, when you are able to just be yourself.  Who would want to be in a relationship where you were pretending to be someone your not?  Trust me, lots of people, myself included, have tried that and it doesn't work.  Be loved for who you are!

Love Letter Help

For almost two years I have written a love letter every night to my sweetheart.  Each one is as different as a snowflake and all of them come from the heart.  My mother asked me how I could possible think of something to say, everyday, to the one I love.  Love is like a fountain for me; it is a never ending flow of thoughts of how and what goes on in my mind and life that I like to share with my sweetheart.  Every day is different and each one brings with it different thoughts and experiences. I am not always in the same city as my sweetheart and there are long periods of time when we are unable to be together.  Writing to him every night is as much a journal as it is about our love.  Why not just pick up the phone?  Because both of us have a love for the written word.  It is more permanent and can be pulled back up and savored, over, and over.  Who remembers exactly what was said in a phone conversation? Most of us don't have the capacity to recall more than the gist of the conversation or a sentence or two.  When you write to the one you love you are committing to paper a memory that can be treasured.  The letters I get in return help get me through long days when I miss him terribly and I can go back and reassure myself that yes, he really does love me.  It is there in black and white.

The skill of letter writing has waned as other forms of communication have become available.  Communication is faster and has sped up to a point where simple abbreviations of words can sometimes form the entire exchange of thoughts and ideas.  Taking the time to write a letter is a way to take a deep breath and stop rushing around; take time to write down what is going on in your life and what you are feeling.  It doesn't mean that you need to hunt around for an envelope and postage; you can send it electronically, and it will still be warmly received.  There is something wonderful though about getting a letter in the mail that is very personal, especially when it is hand written.  It shows you care enough, and love the person enough, to take time out of your day and share your life with them.

This blog is going to focus on writing love letters, although all personal letters have many of the same elements, love letters get a special category all their own because they come from the deepest of all human emotions: Love.